Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

Discreet Diplomacy or Cowboy Diplomacy?

This series of articles investigates the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) and its involvement in the Rohingya crisis, questioning its proclaimed impartiality and methods. 

I highlight concerns regarding HD's secretive operations, lack of transparency, and alignment with state authorities over the rights of the Rohingya people. The analysis draws parallels with HD's interventions in Aceh, Indonesia, where similar issues of limited inclusivity and strategic misjudgements were observed. 

I discuss HD's relationship with various organisations, its role in repatriation efforts, and the potential consequences of its actions within Rohingya refugee camps.

The series also examines the UK government's funding of HD, raising questions about accountability and the true impact of HD's mediation efforts in Myanmar. Ultimately, it suggests that HD's actions may serve geopolitical interests more than the well-being of the affected communities.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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